We won’t have an AH in RoS, but if we did I think the difference in Topaz prices between HC and SC would lessen, since the highest level gem, a Flawless Royal, yields 280 Mainstat in armor. Europe Hardcore: Amethyst 22k, Emerald 20k, Ruby 25k, Topaz 4kĪmusing the differences in gem values between HC and SC, eh? That Topaz price is my favorite, since there are just as many Wizards and Witch Doctors in Hardcore, but the priority has to always be staying alive, not just dealing more damage.Americas Hardcore: Amethyst 32k, Emerald 34k, Ruby 45k, Topaz 5k.Europe Softcore: Amethyst 5k, Emerald 32k, Ruby 6k, Topaz 45k.Americas Softcore: Amethyst 15k, Emerald 29k, Ruby 9k, Topaz 30k.There you’ll often see considerable short term swings, as people game the market to create very short term shifts in price.)

(The most changes were between the last 10 sales and last 24 hours sales. There was some fluctuation between each time I checked, but the prices were fairly stable on the whole. I took several surveys of the gem prices in the Auction House for Hardcore and Softcore on the Americas and Europe servers this afternoon.

D3v2, in-game costs to create a Marquise gem: 9,370,000 gold, 2143 flawless squares.D3v1, in-game costs to create a Marquise gem: 66.2 million gold, 10 Demonic Essences, 4893 Tomes of Secret, 2187 Flawless Square Gems.Why? What’s happened to item and material values? What’s valuable now to save and what should you be selling or hoarding for Reaper of Souls? This article covers all that on the click through, but here’s a quick comparison to show how much the game changes have altered the value/cost of things. I was 100% correct on point #1, and almost entirely wrong on point #2.

Once I saw that in the RoS beta, and the new tiers of crafting materials (all current materials are as worth as little as as Flawless Square gems in RoS), and the fact that the Auction House was shutting down before Reaper’s launch, I cam to two conclusions and took action back in December: 1) All current items and materials would be obsolete and worthless in Reaper of Souls, and 2) I should therefore sell them ASAP since they were sure to lose all value as the expansion came closer.